About Johan

Hi, I'm Johan                



I’m a biologist, Nature & wildlife photographer and proud father of two boys. For as long as I can remember I’ve been fascinated and drawn to wildlife and the natural environment. When I was a kid, I would often wander around the backyard and nearby forest looking for wildlife. My earliest memory is of losing my mums car keys whilst looking for ladybugs and ant-mounds in a meadow outside our house in rural Sweden.

 I was a teenager when I first came to Australia and began a journey which eventually saw me studying Marine and Tropical Biology in North Queensland.  It was here, when I was truly immersed in nature through my own research that I started taking a more serious approach to wildlife photography.

My work, based between two research stations in two amazing world heritage nature areas (The Wet Tropics and The Great Barrier Reef), has immersed me in both rainforest and coral reef environments. For me photography is the perfect complement for a scientific mind.  An observation piques a curiosity, which then leads to a desire to discover more, and then the inevitable challenge to capture and record.  Landscapes for me are not just beautiful scenes, but habitats and ecosystems that contain a myriad of potential for exploration. 

 My goal is to keep spending time seeking these moments, expand the areas of discovery and ultimately share these experiences through my images.

As a nature and wildlife photographer, I’m happiest when I chance upon some moment of beauty or organic interaction, and manage to capture the essence of that time. If emotion can be conveyed through the images that I create, that is perfection to me.